

1st Place – Best of Ornamental Stockholm Ink Bash

🥇1st Best of Ornamental at the world famous Stockholm Ink Bash Tattoo Convention

Thank you for this. I‘m honoured to win 1st place in ‚Best of Ornamental‘ competition.

Thanks to a very brave customer and biiig trust – Well done 🙏🏻🌟🥇

We started this piece on Gotland at Medeltidsveckan Ink & Needle Tattoo Convention and continued on Stockholm Ink Bash within 3 days. This is her very first tattoo – so this is something really special.

Thank you once again Colin Dale for the invitation to the Handpoke platform and also congrats to the amazing Historical Tattoo for the 2nd place 🌟

handpoked #nordictattoo #nordictattoogermany #nordictattoodeutschland #handpokedtattoo #stockholminkbash2023 #stockholminkbash #viking #dotwork #traditionaltattoo #traditionaltattooing #norsetattoo #nordicmythology #norsemythology #nordischetätowierung #tatuering #bestofornamental #ornamental #ornamentaltattoo #tattoosweden #tattoostockholm #stockholmtattoo #swedentattoo #nordicspirit


Endless love and support – Love of my life

I‘m so proud and thankful for the endless love and support of my wife @anka.miau – She always supports and helps me with everything I do. I‘m proud of her shining light which helps me in every situation. I love her creativity and everything she creates on earth – Thank you! This picture was made while we took the pictures for her current ISA Collection for her clothing label ♥️(she makes everything by her own, sure I help whatever I can do).



Letting go …

The past weeks were really hard for most of us. As I wrote in posts before I felt a deep shift, a big change. This will be good for us. Changes can offer new ways, it‘s an opportunity to let go, to let go is a process of death, it‘s a transformation. Of course death is not easy and nobody wants to talk about, but it‘s necessary to come to something new. And after you accept this sometimes really hard process of death and let go and let happen what needs to happen. you can grow the new seeds. Sometimes a simple new haircut can help to let go 😀 you know, for me it was a big step since I had this long hair for over 15 years, it was a big part of my identity and my comfort. I choosed this powerful solstice a few weeks ago to cut it – to let go and to enter the new cycle. Nothing is forever and it‘s important to live the moment and go with the flow. Don‘t hold old patterns or build habits. Die to the past every moment and you will see there are so much more possibilities – Nature is beautiful! 🍂




Haithabu – a really powerful place for me. There happened a lot, for sure! You can feel this if you stand on that ground. It‘s amazing, I love to find energetic places like this for me and discover myself and my connections step by step. Do you have any power places which speak to you?



Winter is coming

Strong days, much happened since the new cycle begun. The recent solstice was very powerful and one of my personal most conscious experienced one. There are big changes happening for all of us. There is a big shift happening – we need to go through, a necessity for our future. Embrace it, let it go, welcome the new!
