Glödgang – Feuerlauf & Traditionelles Tätowieren
A vegvísir (Icelandic for kind of wayfinder) is an Icelandic magical stave intended to help the bearer find their way through rough weather. Whatever and wherever your metaphoric rough weather will be. A very powerful and well-known symbol. It is attested in the Huld Manuscript, collected in Iceland by Geir Vigfusson in 1880 (but consisting of material of earlier origin).
The original Vegvisir from page 56 from the icelandic ‘Huld Manuscript‘. It is also known as the ‘Dark Manuscript‘. This book of Icelandic magical staves, sigils and charms was written and collected by Geir Vigfússyni á Akureyri in 1847 from three other manuscripts.
Of the three manuscripts used in compiling the Huld manuscript we know that one of them was written in Seltjarnarnesi of 1810.
Link to the full-manuscript: handrit.is
Vegvisir-Earrings in our Shop: shop.ancientskin.com
Image: https://handrit.is/manuscript/view/is/IB04-0383/55?iabr=on#page/26v/mode/2up